I enjoy studying and playing at Mayespark because it is a good opportunity to learn new things. Learning is a lot of fun at this school and I feel very happy. There are friendly teachers and pupils. The school is a lovely place.
Year 5 Child

Physical Education

At Mayespark Primary School we aim to deliver a high-quality physical education curriculum which provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. 

Children have opportunities to compete in sport and other activities which build character and help to embed values such as resilience, fairness and respect.

Mr Lawless

Physical Education Leader


At Mayespark, our children participate in various competitions throughout the year. After each event, a match report is written.

Pupil Voice

A sample of children from each class completed a questionnaire to gauge the children’s opinions about PE at Mayespark Primary as well as measuring the impact of the Sports Premium Grant. It was completed by children across the whole school in May 2021. The questionnaires asked children about their enjoyment in PE lessons, if they felt there was equal opportunity within the school as well as what could be done to improve the school provisions for PE.