Mayespark is the best school ever.
Year 3 Child


At Mayespark, we are proud to support a number of different local, national and international charities. Throughout the year we run various events, some of which are detailed below. 

King George & Queen's Hospitals Charity

Shortly upon returning to school after the pandemic, three of our Year 4 pupils approached Ms Davies with a plan to raise money for our local hospital. They wanted to make and then sell popcorn at playtime. In their own time the girls made posters advertising their sale and then visited classrooms to make a speech about their mission. Over a number of playtimes they sold popcorn for 50p per cup raising just over £50 for our local hospital!

Meningitis Research Foundation 

A former pupil recently contacted us to inform us she was raising money for The Meningitis Research Foundation by climbing Mount Kilimanjaro! We invited Hannah back into school and she spent a day visiting classes talking to our children about her plans. In order to raise money to support this cause we held a non uniform day and raised an impressive £716.20. We are looking forward to hearing all about Hannah's climb and believe that more of our pupils will go on to make a difference in our world. 

Reindeer Run

We have recently raised £3372.95 for King George & Queen’s Hospitals Charity by participating in their Reindeer Run!

King George & Queen’s Hospitals Charity supports the two acute hospitals which have a catchment area of over 750,000 people. Their aim is not to subsidise the NHS but to enhance, in any way they can, the journey for the hospital user – the patients, staff and visitors. The charity really needs support through this time as they have lost nearly all their forms of income from events which are now cancelled. 

The Reindeer Run proceeds will support their campaign to provide Christmas presents to all the children as in-patients on wards across both hospitals. They will also provide a present for children in Accident and Emergency, having blood tests, and clinic appointments over the Christmas period.

Well done Mayespark for helping to make a difference in the lives of others!