I enjoy studying and playing at Mayespark because it is a good opportunity to learn new things. Learning is a lot of fun at this school and I feel very happy. There are friendly teachers and pupils. The school is a lovely place.
Year 5 Child

School Dinners

All primary school aged children are entitled to a free daily school meal as part of the government's Universal Infant Free School Meals and London Mayor's funding for 2024-25. This means you do not have to pay for a school dinner.

Click below to see the latest Menu 

School Dinner Menu February 2025

School Meals 

Changes to FSM eligibility criteria

A hot midday meal is provided at school by our new catering supplier, Stir Catering. 

There is always a choice of school meal, which includes a vegetarian and Halal option. Please inform us if your child has a special dietary requirement. You will need to complete a special diet referral form, this is available from the school office.

All children receive a free school lunch.

Families who are entitled to free school meals need to apply to Lynton House, London Borough of Redbridge. When the application form is completed it should be sent to the Educational Services. Our school office can help you apply for free school meals if you require any assistance.

Packed Lunches    

Healthy School Award and packed lunch information

If your child brings a packed lunch please label the lunch box with their name and make sure that drinks are in non-breakable leak-proof containers. Due to several children having severe peanut allergies, we would appreciate it if you do not send food containing nuts in your child’s lunch box. We are an accredited ‘Healthy School’ and as such we encourage children to eat healthily. Please do not send sweets or fizzy drinks in packed lunches and we recommend that one treat of chocolate or crisps are only sent once a week on a Wednesday. 

Mayespark Healthy Packed Lunch Leaflet

Healthy Eating

As a school that promotes good health and well-being, Mayespark is committed to encouraging and developing positive attitudes towards food and a healthy diet.

Pupils’ lunch boxes should offer balanced nutrition. Across a week parents are encouraged to offer a variety of healthy foods in accordance with the lunchbox guidance leaflet which is available for parents at their admissions meeting and in the school foyer. This guidance recommends a balanced selection of foods which should be available to the children in their lunch box.

Because we recognise that there is no such thing as “bad food”, we teach the children to enjoy treats in moderation. Wednesday is the one day in the week where children can enjoy ‘treats’ as part of their packed lunch. These treats should still be limited to two, relatively healthy and not excessive e.g. a couple of biscuits, a muffin, a scone or a small chocolate bar. On all other days, children’s lunch boxes should contain healthy snacks only such as plain popcorn, raisins, cheese or baked crackers. Sweets, chewing gum and fizzy drinks are not permitted on any day.

The following procedure will be followed if a child has an item of food not in accordance with our healthy eating policy:

  • the child will be reminded of our policy

  • the child will be asked not to eat the item of food

  • a sticker will be put on the item of food saying ‘Your child was not able to eat this item today as treats are only permitted on Wednesday.’

  • if a child’s lunch box consists of unhealthy food only, they will either be allowed to eat part of their lunch or they will be offered a school dinner. In either case the child’s parent / carer will be contacted.

  • members of staff will monitor packed lunches over a period of time and contact parents where there is a concern



Children must remain on the school premises during the lunchtime break where they are supervised by midday supervisors. Your child will be encouraged to eat as much of their lunch as possible but we never force a child to eat. We will let you know if your child has any issues in eating their lunch.

Going Home for Dinner

Children may, of course, go home for dinner at lunchtime with permission from parents or carers. When this happens the school is not responsible for the child and therefore he or she should not return to school until 5 minutes before the end of lunch.