Our School Day
School Organisation
Mayespark Primary School has twenty seven classes in all, which includes 2 classes in our Additionally Resourced Provision (ARCH) and two Nursery classes. Foundation Stage education is covered by the Nursery classes and three Reception classes. Key Stage One comprises of Year 1 and Year 2; Key Stage Two covers four years from Year 3 to Year 6. Year 6 children then transfer to secondary school.
All of our classes are mixed ability, one teacher has the main responsibility for each class but is supported by the senior leadership team and support staff. Flexible grouping arrangements within each class enable teachers to prepare programmes and lessons suited to the needs of all the different children within our school.
School Times
Main School:
It is vital that your child arrives at school punctually and is collected on time.
For the children from Reception - Year 6 the school day is 8.45am to 3.15pm. Doors will open at 8.40am.
Morning Session 8.45am to 11.45am
Afternoon Session 12.20pm to 3.20pm
Throughout the day all children in Years 1 - 6 have a playtime as well as a lunch break. Children in Reception classes do not have playtimes as they have access to their outdoor area all day.
Main school registration and lessons begin at 8.45am. To enable a prompt start each day, children can go directly into school at 8.40am where their class teacher will be waiting in the classroom with some early morning learning for the children to start immediately. The doors to the school will be closed promptly at 9.00am. Latecomers need to enter via the school office.
At the end of the day children in Nursery and Reception can be collected directly from their classroom door. All other children will be brought out to the playground for collection by their class teacher. Children should be picked up promptly at 3.15pm. Please contact us in the event of an emergency if you are aware you will be late and ensure your contact details are kept up to date to enable us to contact you. If you arrange for someone different to collect your child please notify the school office before 2.30pm. At 3.25pm any children not collected on time will be taken back into school and can be collected from the school office.
In years 5 and 6 we permit children to walk home alone, with written permission from parents or carers. All other children will only be permitted to leave school with an adult known to the teacher